The congress will have 4 Poster sessions covering all the congress topics. Posters will be presented as e-poster and divided into macro-topics. The best 10 studies of each category will be presented as prints as well.
Has your abstract been accepted as poster?
Poster Awards
During each poster session at the congress a poster will be awarded as the best abstract of the session.
As prize one of the authors of the winning posters will have the possibility to have a free registration and Accommodation for the next International Congress of the Academy of Human Reproduction.

The abstract submission is closed
When is my presentation scheduled?
The abstracts accepted have been inserted into the scientific program! Please note that the abstracts whose authors are not registered to the congress within march 6 will be removed from the program.
What should I prepare for my presentation?
You can find the rules for presentation inside your profile page.

Abstract submission
Deadline for abstract submission for Oral Presentation is
Deadline for abstract submission for Posters is
Present your abstract and come to the congress at a special rate!
Those presenting abstract will be entitled to a significantly reduced registration fee of € 400; the special fee will be active once your abstract is approved.
- The Scientific Committee will consider the abstracts not accepted as Oral Presentations for inclusion in the Poster Session.
- Each person is allowed to submit a maximum of two abstracts as a presenting author: one oral presentation and one poster, or two posters. There is no limit to the number of abstracts submitted as a co-author.
- Presenting authors of accepted abstracts for Oral Presentation will be notified whether their abstract is accepted by February 2019.
- The authors of accepted abstracts will be notified by 26 February 2019.
Abstract presenters are required to finalize their registration before 6 March 2019. Failure to do so, will result in exclusion from the program. - Abstracts submitted via email or fax will not be accepted.
How should I write my abstract?
- The abstract should be divided into the following sections:
Context – Objective – Methods – Patient(s) – Intervention(s) – Main Outcome Measure(s) – Result(s) – Conclusions.
The abstract cannot be longer than 2500 characters including spaces, and must be plain text: it is not possible to include tables and images, but you may insert data in the text of the abstract. - Each person is allowed to submit a maximum of two abstracts on thecongress’ topics as presenting author: one oral presentation and one poster or, alternatively, two posters. There is no limit to the number of abstracts submitted as co-author
- Abortion
- Aging and infertility
- Androgen Deficiency Syndrome
- Androgens
- Apoptosis and Oncogenesis
- Adolescence
- Breast
- Cancer and reproduction
- Contraception
- Corpus Luteum
- Cronic Plevic Pain
- Cryopreservation
- Depression and reproduction
- Diabetes, reproduction and pregnancy
- DUB (dysfunctional uterine bleeding)
- Early pregnancy
- Embryo implantation
- Emergency Contraception
- Endocrine and paracrine control of ovulation
- Endometriosis
- Estrogens
- Ethics and reproduction
- Fat tissue distribution and body weight control
- Female sexual disfunction
- Feto-placental Unit
- Genes involved in ovarian development and aging
- Genital infections
- GnRH Agonists and Antagonists
- Hormone replacement therapy
- HPV and Cancer
- Hypoactive sexual desire disorders
- Hypothalamic Dysfunction
- Hysteroscopy
- Imaging technology in reproduction
- Immune system and reproduction
- In vitro maturation
- Insulin resistance and gonadal function
- Labour and Delivery
- Laparoscopic Surgery
- Male hypogonadism
- Male infertility
- Male sexual disfunction
- Menopause
- Menorrhagia
- Metabolic syndrome
- Microbiome and Microbiota
- Ovarian hyperstimulation
- Ovulation induction
- Pelvic Floor Dysfunction
- Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
- Perimenopausal Transition
- Placenta
- Polycystic ovary
- Pre-eclampsia
- Pre-implantation diagnosis
- Pre-natal diagnosis
- Premature delivery
- Premature ovarian insufficency
- Premenstrual Syndrome, PMDD
- Progesterone and progestins
- Prolactin and fertility
- Puberal development
- Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
- Reproduction and Mental Health
- Sexology and Sexuality
- Sexually transmitted diseases
- Spermatogenesis
- Stem cells
- Steroid Receptors
- Testis
- Uterine Myoma
- Vagina
- Vulva
$absopen && time()<$absdead3):?>
Next deadline:
Create an account for free,
and once in your personal page click on the abstract submission button
The abstract submission is closed
Only abstracts agreed with the scientific committee can be submitted.